Even when it's really cold (and even when I have to go to work), those sunny days in winter lift my spirits, especially when there's snow on the ground. Yesterday was one of those gorgeously sunny days and it was a nice day to be out and about:

Today it is not like that. We woke to grey skies and the forecast of 4 to 8 inches of snow. Instead of sitting in a puddle of sunshine on the dining room floor this afternoon reading a book, as I did yesterday, I've been sitting on the living room floor playing games with the husband and kids.

Quirkle is our game of choice this winter - one of those simple to learn games that requires some thought and strategy to play well. The snow is pretty and it's nice to have family time and an excuse for not having to go anywhere or do anything outside the house.

Having said that, once we get to the end of February I'm usually ready for winter to be over, or at least for there to be no more snow. But for all my griping about the weather, I would definitely miss New England winters if I ever moved back to the UK!
I loved the contrast of red roses and white snow in the last photo. Those roses would so hate to be on the other side of that window!
Thanks Rosiero - the roses were me and my family today! Much happier indoors! I had a vision of what I wanted with that photo and I didn't quite capture it. To get the image I did took a lot of messing around with the camera, which is really just a point-and-shoot that doesn't seem to like its controls being over-ridden. One day I'll be able to afford a digital SLR. Maybe!
We had similar weather yesterday and today in Chicago. It really is stunning and lifts your spirits to look at. But still a little too cold for the kids to be out in - and too sunny ('too bright / hurts my eyes'). I have been staving off cabin fever with a new purchase of magnetic tiles and crystal tumblers. They have been used to create new Star Wars ships (everything has to be tied back to Darth Vader at some point in the day) but it's better than just beating the crap out of each other with the light sabers! Lovely pics!
Nicola -
magnetic tiles + crystal tumblers = Star Wars ships??
Photos please!
We have that blue sky in Chicago today but it is bloody freezing. Funny but last year in Colorado I had that very same "Aha" moment when I saw the snow glistening. I tried to explain the Christmas card thing to the hub but he thought I was just whittering on again.
We are still praying for snow here. We promised the kids some - they have never seen any!
Jordan had buckets-full last year and so we cling to the hope.
Lovely piece, AA.
Snow sparkles and squeeks. When it's very, very cold and the snow is crystalized... I love the way it squeeks under my boots.
Quirkle, looks like dominos. I'll check that out for a kid's birthday gift.
I love the roses photo
Lovely photos. And, I feel the need to check out that game -- looks good for my brood!
Great pictures.
Award for you at my place.
That game looks really good - now I have a good excuse to spend some money on the brightminds website...
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