I get very little junk email in any of my email inboxes. Really! All of my accounts seem to have pretty good spam filters set up and the occasional spam message that actually makes it through to my inbox is usually very obvious. More of a problem is finding the messages I actually want that get put in the junk mailbox. I have one friend whose messages more often than not end up tagged as spam. Messages from one mailing list occasionally end up there, as do all the messages from one specific business whose mailing list I asked to be added to.
About once every couple of weeks, I go through the junk mail checking to see if there's anything there that I really want before I hit delete. I can usually tell from the sender's address if it's a message I want to keep. This is a good thing, because if I had to rely on the subject line it might not be so easy!
See if you can figure out which of the following email messages in my 'junk' mailbox turned out NOT to be spam!
- Invite to my presentation
- Who called me?
- Apply for your diploma
- Win in Fiesta
- With our watches boring time will go faster
- Do it tomorrow
- Losing wieht [sic] does not have to be tough
- For humping-mania
- Need a diploma? Call us.
- Your social status will grow with a more serious watch
- Book a room and you could WIN a weekend away plus spending money!
- Please think about it
- Did you vomit?
- I'll kill you, I promise
- Nothing can amaze your special person more than a cute watch
I think it must have been 'I'll kill you, I promise".
Spam was a great staple of our family camping holidays.
If we were ever allowed to go to the chippy I always had spam and chips. Yum!
I had no idea Spam made it across the pond! It is another one of those fine Minnesota inventions... I had elderly relatives who got married the same year as Spam was released to the world, and at their 50th wedding anniversary party in MN it was all Spam all over. I started referring to them as "the Spam People" which I don't think my more senior relatives liked, but hey, I was 11 at the time!
OH yes I remember it. Tough as nails but tasty! I blanche at the thought of eating it these days!
Spam fritter and chips please! LOL
I'm rather partial to this one: "With our watches boring time will go faster"... I think I might need one of those for work.
Mm...I used to love spam when I was a kid! I remember the round stuff at school too!! :-D
Just read your post about 'search terms'. Very interesting! How did you find out how people got to your Blog? Could you tell me please? I'd love to do the same with mine.
Blessings, Star
Thanks for the peat info, will try the frozen ones next!
Spam fritters......bleeeuuuggggh!
I don't know why the spammers thought I'd open a message with the subject line "I'll kill you, I promise"
The only message there that wasn't spam (as in I had actually signed up to hear from that company) was: "Book a room and you could WIN a weekend away plus spending money!" DH says that's still spam, but I don't think it is because I chose to be on the Travelodge mailing list.
Star, go to www.statcounter.com and you can sign up for a free account that will give you the code to put on your blog so you can track visitors.
I'm guessing "do it tomorrow", "did you vomit", and "I'll kill you I promise".......the third one because it sounds like the type of thing that only a friend could get away with writing-it certainly wouldn't get to give someone your business.
Okay...I responded without looking at the comments first....I guess I was wrong :).....on the up side of being wrong, it is good to know that you don't have a friend who is promising to kill you.
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