More to the point, where in Massachusetts is Massachusetrts? You see, unlike in the UK, where we put the name of the county followed by a postcode that includes the abbreviation for the county (Cheshire, CH . . .), here in the US, there is no need to write the name of the state out in full. Assuming the zip code is correct (checks on Google, yes it is), the beer label should read "Ashland, MA 01721".
Actually, I am sure there are many, many, Americans, even in Massachusetts, who could not spell Massachusetts if their life depended on it. So I really shouldn't expect someone in the UK, where it is extremely unlikely to be included in the spell-checker, to get it right!

I lived in MA for 2 years and still can't spell it correctly. SHeesh.
Surely whoever 'Eurobrews' is should have proof-read the label too? Which means that they do not know it was spelt wrong either.....
Like kenandbelly, I actually lived in Massechusetts, I mean, Massachesetts, um, MA for a time. And I can spell it. That, or Coneticut. Thank god for the abbreviations ;)
wow- people who actually cannot spell the name of the state that they live or have lived in? Scary. (from a former Connecticut girl)
That is brilliant, I love the invented 7-digit post code in the UK style! And thank goodness "MA" is enough so we all don't need to learn how to spell that state name ;-)
Good spotting!
Excellent. My son drinks that I ought to check a bottle here next time he has one to see if that is on it.
I'm quite interested to hear how they pronounced it.
Lol - too true and I'm sure the case for more than a handful of states sadly!
LMAO that's a classic!
Very funny and so true. Not only would Americans have a hard time spelling it, it looks like the makers of the brew and label have done too much imbibing themselves and just spelled it ALL wrong! Classic :-).
There was a song on a children's tv show, Captain Kangaroo, that spelled out Massachusetts, so a segment of the population who were children then, probably still spell it well.
"M A double S,
A C H U,
S E double T S!"
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