Thursday, January 26, 2012

World citizen

My children have two passports - British and American. DD is quite impressed with that and feels very special because of it. Recently, she made friends with someone who has more passports than her. Her friend has three passports! American and two different European passports. DD is jealous. She now wants a third passport, and has decided that she would like a Chinese one.


  1. Gosh, this sounds familiar. I guess our children are true citizens of the world in every sense. Why limit yourself to one culture when there is so much to pick and choose from?!
    Your post made me smile. Sounded like my daughter speaking. I am waiting for her to come home with a Chinese boyfriend one day! For now, my 8-year old is content with three passports. ;)

  2. My kids too! The Queenager is now at University and her circle of friends is almost completely foreign. English, Bolivian, Bangladeshi, Indian and Mexican to name but a few. She's also already planning her study abroad semester next year, and plans to work in the UK for a while at least when she graduates. The Man-Child, on the other hand, on hearing that I was starting to map out the summer, said "Oh mom, do we have to go traveling all the time?" Clearly he can't be my child!

  3. LOL! This make me laugh (out loud!). My daughter loves having two passports but hasn't yet asked for a third. Definitely citizens of the world.

  4. I have thought about adopting my stepdaughter, so that she would have the option of British citizenship. It can't do any harm having multiple nationalities! :-)

  5. I haven't gone so far as to get my girls their British passports yet - but by God they will do! (If they want to go to University......)

    My friend Raf has 3 passports due to a draft dodging father, and whatever sporting event we watch he always seems to have a legitimate claim to the said that's playing against England....
