Answers to Saturday's questions:
1. "Little weeed!" - Bill and Ben, the flowerpot men (1950's and 60's)
2. The Woodentops and their Spotty Dog. While Daddy Woodentop was busy doing 'men’s work', Mummy Woodentop was busy in the kitchen with assistance from Mrs Scrubbit. (1950's and 60's)
3. This (American) one from the 1960's was in color - but I mostly remember Stingray in black and white.
4. "Hugh, Pugh, Barney, McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub!" The firemen in Trumpton.
5. "A house. With a door. One. Two. Three. Four." Playschool.
6. The Clangers. (No soup dragon in this episode though.)
7. "Making good use of the things that we find, things that the everyday folks leave behind." The Wombles - who went big time with a hit record and a movie!
Solid as a rock
2 days ago
Oh how nice to reminise? Are we really that old?
Oh my - I am overcome. It's sometimes hard as an expat when people have no idea of your baackground. If you don't mind, I'm going to post about your post and direct people over here to have a look. Fab!
Sorry I made you feel old Daffodilly!
Thanks for pointing people in this direction Expat Mum!
I just realized why I remember "Stingray" or "Thunderbirds" ( in black and white - we didn't have a colour TV!
Ha ha - no colour telly. You daftie!
Oh wow! What a fab fab fab trip down memory lane!!
Oh gosh, this was a trip down memory lane. And yes, isn't it annoying when you can't use catch phrases like "here's one I prepared earlier"?
Doesn't old children's tv move incredibly SLOWLY compared to what kids are used to these days? I tried to get mine interested in a Camberwick Green video from the library years ago, and they just thought it was boring.
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