Here are some more of the search terms people have used that brought them to my blog in the last few weeks. Some are fairly obvious. It's gratifying to see at least one person (probably my mother) was clearly specifically looking for my blog.
There was the usual handful who appear to have an agenda they are looking to reinforce:
- why americans shouldn't travel
- americans should only speak english
- no one is more american than anyone else
- americans only speak english
Others who appeared to be looking for the answer to a specific question
- my license photo does not look like me, should I get it retaken?
- why americans only speak one language
- why do americans only speak one language?
- how to know what turkey to shoot
- why is there february vacation
I didn't understand what some of them were after or why Google would have brought them to my blog in search of it:
- Wednesday in hat
- tornado american hat
- out of office humping-mania
I don't believe I have ever mentioned humping on this blog before, let alone any kind of humping mania!! (DH wants to know "Is there an in-office humping mania?")
was back, along with
- m&ms vs smarties vs skippers
Never heard of skippers, but I assume it must be another kind of candy.
Apparently at least one Russian-speaker was in search of information about Doctor Who:
This one I thought was somewhat scary:
- shooting my own thanksgiving turkey in supermarket
I hope this person found out that it is NOT OK to shoot your own turkey in the supermarket. Indeed, there should never be any need to shoot the turkeys in the supermarket as they are always dead already!
I wonder if this one was an American living in the UK:
- britain has too many rules
So do a lot of places. Some of the ones without rules aren't places I would want to live!