When I got home from work today, I found a message on our answering machine from President Bill Clinton. Yes, the man himself! Of course, it could have been someone impersonating him, but I very much doubt it. We also got a Christmas card from President Jimmy Carter and his wife today! Less impressively, I just hung up the phone on Governor Dukakis. (Hey, it was bedtime for the kids and reading a story to the kids was more important!)
Of course they all wanted something - our votes, our money . . . I will be glad when both the primary election and the seasonal fund-raising are over!
I usually get an email or two from President Obama, but gee, I get the impression that it's a mass mailing....lol
Glad to see it's not just us... we've had ten messages in the last couple of days all looking for votes.
Ah yes, I forgot the emails from Obama - I've had some of those too! And thanks DaGoof for confirming it's not just us - people at work claim they haven't been getting these calls and I have no idea why not!
Well that's fame isn't it! We haven't got to that over here in England yet, but I'll check the post tomorrow, just in case I get a card from Gordon Brown! Perhaps I have to send him one first.
Blessings, Star
What, nothing from Barack and Michelle?
Reminds me of my uni days working in a call centre in Minnesota. I never had to impersonate a politician though. I hated that job. It mist be terrible to be a politician these days!
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