Thanks again to LJB at Crankymonkeys for some new ornaments for the tree! Santa brought a couple of new ones too - the red and white baubles with writing on them.

After 31 years in the United States, I find myself more American than I ever expected to be, yet not so American in many ways.
They look nice on your tree :)
The tree looks very pretty. I've never seen a bauble saying 'more wine please'. That's different.
We still have lots and lots of snow and ICE.
Blessings, Star
Star - the bauble came from Santa Balls. They have some interesting baubles - it's interesting to see what sold out!
We finally have snow on the way this afternoon!
am just now catching up with unread blog favorites. :) a little late but just had to say -- such a happy tree!
We did have snow on Christmas and now are getting more snow - school has been closed for two days now and will be closed again tomorrow since the roads are bad. Found you from another blog you commented on. - Mrs. E :)
Elysabeth Eldering
Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
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