Torn between the delight of watching the wild rabbits in the garden and the annoyance of seeing said wild rabbits eating my plants, I realize I need a new camera with a better telephoto lens!
Spring is on its way
3 days ago
After 31 years in the United States, I find myself more American than I ever expected to be, yet not so American in many ways.
Beautiful garden. Cute bunnies too. I know exactly what you mean about the bunnies. I love seeing them as long as they are munching my grass.
Pie! wish mashed potatoes on the side.
My bad?
LOL! Not bad, just not American! I suppose there are some Americans who eat rabbit, but it's next to impossible to find in the supermarket!
At least in this shot it looks like they're eating your grass and not your flowers!!
Ahhh, sweet bunnies! Back in Oz where I am originally from rabbits are vermin and you aren't allowed to keep them as pets. I always wanted a pet rabbit!
They eat a lot of rabbit here. In fact it was on the menu in our local restaurant last time we went. Toby, my oldest cat likes rabbit too.
Cute rabbits! Cute, destructive little rabbits. By the by, I ate rabbit a VERY long time ago when I was young (around 9) it was pretty horrific at the time and I still remember it being gamey.
Don't talk to me about rabbits, we have had to block up all the holes at the bottom of the fences to stop them getting in the garden.
Now I have a problem with racoons, they climb over the fence. Is there such a thing as racoon pie?
Gill a fellow Brit living in Canada
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