Sitting eating dinner tonight, watching the wild rabbits running around, the Littlest American suddenly said "And there's a skunk on the lawn next door."
"No there isn't!" we said.
"Well, what's that black and white thing then?" So we looked -

and sure enough, it was a skunk! As the batteries had died in my camera yet again, DH headed out to take a photo, muttering "Here kitty, kitty!"

I wonder if this is the critter that came up on the deck the other night and dug up the herbs in the plant pot by the door?
it is kind of cute
Oh joy ... the smell of skunk spray (as long as it's not on you or your children) is just part of those summertime evenings and nights in America, when they come out on the lawns ... at least that's what happened in NJ. Looks like beautiful lawns, too :)
And they are kind of cute, at least from 10,000 miles away.
Don't get skunks here in Devon (England), only foxes rummaging around in the rubbish bins, squirrels pinching the bird food and hedgehogs, which I love, but make the most terrible noise in the middle of the night when it's the mating season (or maybe it's the next door neighbours, who knows!).
Oh dear! I hope not. There's only so much neighbourliness I can withstand.
In my first few weeks here, I went to a yoga class (a first for me). One of the other people was looking out of the window just after the class, and said "oh look, a pregnant skunk". I felt as if I was in some parallel universe - doing yoga and spotting pregnant skunks. Life had certainly changed.
I almost miss skunks...
That's the prettiest skunk I've ever seen. We used to see them-and smell them-all of the time when I was a little girl living in New Mexico.
Just keep the tomato sauce handy. Apparently it's great for taking the smell out of the spray, especially if a family dog gets hit!
Well, that makes a change from the little beasties that eat my vegetables!
P.S. Thanks for the advice about carbon monoxide.
Wow - great picture!
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