I LOVE Cadbury's Creme Eggs and am very happy that they can be found year-round nowadays. The regular Creme Eggs are my favorite, but the orange ones (which I've never found in the US) are good too. I like Cadbury's Mini Eggs as well and am hoping that the recent takeover of Cadbury's doesn't mean a change in recipe for either of them. It shouldn't, seeing as both are already produced in the USA under licence from Cadbury's, but you never know.
My favorite Cadbury's Creme Egg ads were the ones where every year the shopkeeper bought more eggs than the previous year, and each year a kid turned up with a bigger and bigger bag to buy all of them at once.
Here's a new one: Goo Got Talent
I think I like the older ads better . . .
Solid as a rock
3 days ago
Cadbury's Mini Eggs are my weakness. My mouth is watering at the very thought...!
Cadbury's chocolate is made in the US for American distribution by Hersheys, as I showed on my blog a few posts ago. So I doubt very much that the take over will affect anything at all!!! Although it does seem to be a common and interesting worry by the Brits that somehow Kraft is going to ruin the product, this I don't understand at all... is there some deep scar from another American take over that ruined everything sitting on the British psyche???
NFAH - I think it's just the fear that they'll want to make Cadbury's the same as Hersheys, which to me just tastes nasty. I'll eat it and then wonder why I bothered.
There is a difference.
"a British Cadbury Dairy Milk bar contains milk, sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vegetable fat and emulsifiers. The version made by the Hershey Company, which holds the license from Cadbury-Schweppes to produce the candy in the United States under the British company’s direction, starts its ingredient list with sugar."
I love cadburys creme eggs. i miss them so. sniff.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cadbury's Cream Eggs. But, as it turns out, only in the US. The ones I've had here in England have a thicker (not as runny) filling that I just don't care for. I'll be looking forward to next Easter in the US.
I'll be interested to see if they taste different here.
I bought 'hot cross buns' yesterday in the supermarket and they were, shall we say, interesting.....
Totally agree on the cadbury egg/Hersheys thing. I just don't LIKE Hershey's chocolate. Hopefully the Cadbury's recipe is safe no matter who owns it!
I upset the 2 Americans in my English clas sby denouncing Hersheys chocolate a sv inferior & frankly not worth teh calories.Clearly they have never eaten cadbury's cream eggs, or any other 'British' chocolate for that matter!
Oh dear. Is that the kind of thing that sells chocolate eggs these days?
Jenny - I have found the consistency of the filling can vary - I think sometimes it depends on the age of the egg! I know that Creme eggs I've kept for a long time before eating tend to have a thicker filling. But keep them too long and the filling can actually go mouldy! That was a nasty surprise - who would have thought something with so much sugar in it would go mouldy?!
NVG - yes, hot cross buns are different over here!
Iota - at 3 minutes long, it's clearly not a TV ad.
I love Cadbury's creme eggs! The ones I found were made in Canada and I was a bit disappointed to see corn syrup was listed as one of the ingredients.
Hi there..I popped over here to have a look as I found your comment on an old post of mine about Turkish Delight.
I am passionate about Cadburys chocolate and fear the recipe may change. Here in Turkey it is made under licence by Kent in Istanbul and bears no relation to the real thing.
No Easter eggs here I'm sorry to say, but I'm due a visit to the UK on 18th April so am hoping someone might save me one! I already have a friend who sends me parcels of Cadburys chocolate..it's the only thing I really miss.
Have you seen the advert with the Newton's Cradle (the perpetual motion hangy silver ball thingy?) I thought it was pretty good.
But nothing beats the one that was on when I was little -- the basic rabbit clucking like a chicken. I would laugh forever when that one came on and it still makes me smile!
Must reveal myself as an old fogie too - oldest is bestest and as Limey says my daughter would die for the cadbury mini eggs.
I love having great Cadbury's all the time too - especially the eggs.
OH yes Creme eggs & Cadburys Mini eggs...huge fan! If Kraft ruin the Cadbury recipe for anything we should all revolt!
"Orange ones"? Huh? I've never heard of those...
I got a couple of orange ones to try, sad to say I find the "plain" ones too sweet these days! Just last night my husband asked for some homemade Hot Cross Buns, bummer, was hoping to get away with that this year!
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