Yes, it is in the United States. In the 'restroom' of the customer services department at a large restaurant chain! I suppose it is a good thing that whoever decided the sign needed to be posted didn't also need to warn people not to use the toilets/urinals for handwashing, but seriously - who on earth in such an environment needs to be told not to drink the toilet water?!!!!
So funny! And not even a handwritten sign either...which leads me to think there are possibly hundreds of restrooms dotted around the US with similar signs. I for one am going to keep my eyes peeled.
In case of a drought, I suppose!
that is quite disturbing!
Hilarious......I wonder if there are some blokes who quench their thirst with the urinal water? I wouldn't put it past some people....
Well, this is a very litigious country where people sue after doing the stupidest things. Can't you just see someone drinking from a loo, getting food (?) poisoning and then trying to sue the store?
LMAO! Have never seen one of those!
Probably a legal requirement, mandated by federal or local statute. Which would account for the rather official looking sign.
Not that I trust restaurant workers not to use that water.
What on earth? As if?
Apparently the signs appeared after 'an incident' over the weekend! Yes, I actually know someone who works there - this isn't an internet legend kind of photo! I haven't heard any explanation of what the 'incident' was though!
True story from so long ago it must rank as history !!
Elderly neighbour on allotment,speaking of his long deceased mother..
" I remember when she went over to Liverpool to visit the latest new department store. She came back and told us of the wonderful row of toilets saying....and when you pull a little handle, clean fresh water come out so you can wash your hands and face."
I always wonder what's changed since I've been away, but this takes the cake!
I can't say that it makes me feel proud to be an American if we have to be told not to drink out of the toilet or a urinal!
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