This is so funny! My first week here in classes in England, one of my professors went on and on about Cat's Eyes and how they were a feat of English innovation. I was too embarassed to ask what they were after he went on for so long! I think we just call them "those little reflective doobers on the road."
When we were in the UK, I noticed that cat's eyes are quite rare. Don't they put them in new roads when they build them these days? Maybe they use reflective white paint, which does the same job, or something.
SHaha. What are they called in the US? Or do you not have them at all?
Oops - typo - should read Haha.
Ha ha! Very good. Did you eventually tell them the truth about Cats Eyes or let their imagination run into over-drive.
This is so funny! My first week here in classes in England, one of my professors went on and on about Cat's Eyes and how they were a feat of English innovation. I was too embarassed to ask what they were after he went on for so long! I think we just call them "those little reflective doobers on the road."
Supposedly they do have them in the USA, but I don't remember ever noticing them here. We did explain to the kids what they are.
When we were in the UK, I noticed that cat's eyes are quite rare. Don't they put them in new roads when they build them these days? Maybe they use reflective white paint, which does the same job, or something.
Poor kitties, poor kiddies! Can only imagine what they were thinking!
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