- Although the temperature is minus 28˚C this morning, it doesn't feel any colder than that because there is currently no wind chill.
- The insulated window shades seem to be working - because otherwise the heat from the house would have prevented the ice building up on the (double-glazed) windows, right?
- I tried the throwing boiling water into the freezing air experiment (see previous post) and it worked!
Solid as a rock
2 days ago
Where do you live???? It's not even that cold in Estonia at the moment!
I love the freezing mist video! and this window looks mighty cold! I double dog dare you to stick your tongue on it! (Just kidding - I'm not a bully, really).
It's pretty Arctic down here on Long Island, too. Still, at least the sun is shining!
That IS a fun cold weather trick.
LJB - I'm in New England, but a huge swath of the northeastern US is freezing right now.
The kids were disappointed I didn't do the water experiment with them - I only thought to do it after they had left for school and we don't have a video camera. DD's science teacher tried to do it this afternoon but it had warmed up too much.
NVG - the sun shining does make it feel much more bearable!
Oh I'm shivering just thinking of you. I really hope the temps rise soon x
This is one of the highest ranking reasons why I was glad to move to the UK from Minnesota. People in the UK just don't understand what it means to walk from your house to you car and have your nostrils freeze.
But just think! You have spring to look forward to! Eventually!
I've always wanted to try the boiling water experiment thingy, but I'm convinced something'll go wrong. That I'll end up scorching a randomly passing neighbour or somesuch.
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