People have been whining here about how it's been raining all week. The lawn has grown several inches longer than DH likes it to get, but it hasn't been dry enough to mow. The weeds have been sprouting like crazy, and the rabbits haven't been eating fast enough. (Well, except for the pansies DD planted - unfortunately, they've been rather enjoying those!) So when I got home this evening, and not only had the rain stopped but the sun was out, I decided I'd take advantage of the break in the rain and get some weeding done while DH mowed the lawn. I didn't get as much done as I'd planned though. Not only have the lawn and the weeds been growing, but the mosquitoes have been growing too, and it wasn't long before I decided I'd given quite enough blood for tonight thank you very much and I scurried back indoors.
I decided to check the weather forecast for the rest of the weekend, and now I'm thinking maybe, just maybe, there'll be no point in finishing the weeding. But then again, you know how inaccurate weather forecasts can be! :-D
Spring is on its way
3 days ago
LOL! Totally love it AA. Thanks for brightening my day!
Not that we have a yard to mow, but I was amused to be at a friend's house and her husband put the sprinklers on their garden before mowing - so it wouldn't kick up too much dust. Yet another way in which I realized I was a long way from North Yorkshire!!
You're welcome Jane!
Ali - CA really is another country! Watering BEFORE you mow - wow!
In that picture of the weather, it looks like Jesus is detonating an atom bomb on Sunday. Since this is an old post and you're still writing, I'm assuming that didn't happen.
It was supposed to be the day of The Rapture, when all the good people got taken up to heaven. Apparently God changed his mind, but I believe the guy who was so convinced it was going to happen is still sure that the world is going to come to an end sometime in the fall . . .
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