This photo was taken last Saturday. It didn't come out as well as I'd hoped - the yellow dot is a lamp post.
This one was taken at 3:30 this afternoon.
I stopped to buy milk on the way home this afternoon. (Not because it was snowing, but because we really needed some. Honest!) The clerk at the store's commentary on the weather was: "What happened to the rain we were supposed to get today? I've had enough of all this snow. I'm SO ready to mow the lawn!"
OK, now I'm feeling a little bad about posting about the 'cloudy' weather we had in So Cal last week. How shocking that I had to put on both a thin cotton jumper and a scarf.
* Contrite *
Oh shush Ali. I got really excited on Sunday as I was able to wear a sturdy (ie. weather-proof) pair of shoes instead of big snow boots. Alas, it started again yesterday so they're back out.
Those are lovely pictures, though. Snow in the city is never that pretty (although I understand you're bored of the stuff by now).
It's always this time of year that I feel like moving back to the U.K. Not that the weather's better there, just that the winter isn't as long and punishing.
See what you mean about the lampost and Narnia.
I did mow the lawn last week, just in time to beat the rain.
That's OK Ali, I enjoy reading about the weather in other places. There are daffodils out in the UK already. *Sniff!*
Those pictures are fantastic. Here in New York, the snow turns to dirty slush or dirty ice within minutes, sadly...
Thanks for the compliments about the pics - I find it very difficult to get photos I like of snowy scenes. If the snow is too white, then the picture is very flat. The picture often comes out looking rather grey. Dirty snow is actually easier to get a 'good' photo of with accurate colors.
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