Even elementary school children around here are discussing the upcoming presidential election. The children are clearly influenced in their political views by their parents. One 9 year-old of my acquaintance (not one of my own kids!) walked up to me today and announced unprompted: “That Obma [sic] better win the election.”
“Really, why do you want him to win?”
“Cuz when they kill him, then the president won’t be a woman.”
“And why would any one kill him? You know he’ll have lots of body guards?”
“Yeah, but he’s a bl . . . brow . . . umm . . . black man and my dad says people don’t want a black man to be president.”
I wonder who her father would have voted for if Hillary Clinton had been the Democratic candidate for Vice-president?!
Racism is alive and well even in the liberal northeastern United States :-(
It gives me chills to my bones that my kids could end up going to school with children aho talk and think like that....
I've just been listening to NPR and it seems that it's very much alive and 'well,' like a virus all ready to infect the younger generation.
Best wishes
A different kid told me today that he had no interest in visiting California "because there are too many Greeks there!" I wasn't sure precisely what his objection to people of Greek origin was until he corrected himself - "Actually, they're not everywhere in California - they're mostly in San Francisco." Ah, those Greeks! I didn't bother telling him that some of my best friends are 'Greek' . . .
That is terrifying! What hope is there for this country when children are brought up to have views like that.
Did this happen in a banjo lesson?
Oh no, racism and narrow mindedness in general is alive and well all over the "United" States. I think it's something the Americans excel at, they also excel at pretending it doesn't exist too, but once in a while though they show their true colours.
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