It must be nearly Thanksgiving! Apparently the turkey shooting is more organized than I thought - I had visions of people just wandering out into the woods to look for turkeys.
After 31 years in the United States, I find myself more American than I ever expected to be, yet not so American in many ways.
Aha. We have been wondering where to source a free range turkey (rather than a frozen supermarket one) but for Christmas, not Thanksgiving. Now I know!
Ha ha! You know that a turkey shoot is a competition to see who can shoot the most "clay pigeons" (flying practice targets), right? Winner goes home with a (usually frozen) turkey?
My dad could tell you more about both shooting turkeys and turkey shoots than you probably ever want to know. ;)
ROFL! Thanks kenandbelly! No, I had no idea at all that it was actually a clay pigeon competition! I've had students in the past who told me that preparation for Thanksgiving starts with "First, shoot your turkey!" and I have colleagues whose husbands hunt deer (and then eat them) so I had NO clue that this 'turkey shoot' did not actually involve shooting turkeys! And DH, looking over my shoulder says that around here 'turkey shoots' sometimes involve bow and arrows and targets rather than guns.
Oh, and nappyvalleygirl - you really want to deal with the hassle of getting a gun permit? ;-)
Awwww, I didn't like the sound of that . . . until I read kenandbelly's explanation! Hehe! You learn something new every day!
I'm so intrigued by that percentage of Americans who love shooting firearms. I also like the exaggeration of the term--"clay pigeon shooting" just doesn't have the same ring, does it?
This is funny--and the comments with it! From your photo I just assumed it was like a pick-your-own-strawberry farm but reading kenandbelly's comment I guess not!
I was wondering how they could arrange a real turkey shoot safely until I read kenandbelly's comment. What a relief!
I have heard that wild turkeys tend to be a bit touch........we have them wandering over our property, but I would never dream of shooting them......
Gill in Canada
I actually laughed out loud when I saw this! Thanks.
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