As it's MLK Day, there is no school today. I was determined not to have the children stay inside watching TV all day (as they would if I gave them the choice of what to do) so we headed off to one of the local schools that has a great hill for sledding. DD spent 2 hours there yesterday with her Girl Scout troop. We got there a little later than I had planned, but that's OK as it was a holiday after all. We were very surprised to find few other people there - some of the time the hill looked like this:
This photo makes the hill look less steep than it really is. Plus, the section on the left that you see DD climbing was well packed down from the weekend's sledding, so it was icy and very fast.
I had (for once) planned ahead and brought a flask of hot chocolate and some snacks, so we had those after an hour. At that point I took the outer layer of my winter coat off as I was just too hot. The kids and I all worked up quite a sweat trekking up the hill, and even standing around in the sunshine at the bottom of the hill was quite pleasant so long as you weren't sitting on the snow. It wasn't until we were on our way home that I noticed what the temperature was on this glorious, too nice to stay inside, day: 17˚F (that's minus 8˚C!) You see, the cold is just fine if you're doing the right things and are appropriately dressed for it!
Spring is on its way
3 days ago
We went sledding yesterday (on a very similar looking hill!) and yes, there was no-one there despite it being a beautiful day, Sunday and not that cold (around freezing). What is everyone doing???
Sounds like a fun day (minus walking up the hill part.) Your right if you keep active you don't notice the cold as much, plus the sunshine helps. Our snow is gone (for now anyway.)
Yup. No such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.
Oh I bet your kids thought you were the best mom today taking them sledding. It really is amazing what you get used to over time. We had the same temps last week and one day I was out on a heavy sweatshirt!
I'm tired looking at that hill.
What a great day! It's all too easy to stay at home when the temps are so low, but you proved you can still be warm outside if you are actively doing something.
Good for you for encouraging your children to get outdoors and enjoy the snow. It sounds like you had a fab day.
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